• Hospitality

Expertise in branding hospitality environments

The signage on a building is often the key branded asset for a hospitality space and is ultimately the 'face' of the venue. Such important pieces require extensive consideration with regard to placement, illumination, quality of finish and need to utlimately offer longevity. 

We are experts in the design and production of architectural signage, having in-house designers and draughtsmen available to produce concepts to enable property owners to visualise how their brand will look on a building. We also have in-house draughtsmen who create manufacture-ready drawings and work out the structural calculations for safe delivery.




It’s not just messaging signage that creates a unique environment. Ambient graphics can be used to effectively communicate the overall brand ethos and demonstrate key characteristics for a brand. From window graphics to in-store graphics, wall and floor wallpapers, the careful use of brand colours, pictograms, messaging and values can all be an excellent way to create that very best user-focussed experience.



Case Study

We were thrilled to support Leonardo Hotels in 2022/23 with their UK rebrand of all the Jury’s Inn hotels, supporting them with a real concept-to-completion solution.

Our teams firstly commenced with the significant survey programme, visiting all the Jury’s sites in the UK and documenting current assets, dimensions, positioning, illumination, fittings etc. which allowed us to effectively note each site’s unique set of requirements. Collecting this information was a vital step to ensure we worked as efficiently as possible, and was planned in geographic waves across the country, keeping our carbon footprint to a minimum.

Survey information was then shared with our in-house design team who created site specific signage packs, using the overarching signage manual to specify each asset for each location. These site packs were also used as part of the planning applications which we supported the client with. Once approval was received from the local councils, we proceeded to the manufacture and installation phase, which included both our production facilities to have more effective UK coverage. As we are BS EN 1090 certified we could ensure optimal quality control for all the fabrication requirements including the totems and stainless steel lettering. The internal branded assets were created at our Kettering facility. Installation utilised a number of skills including abseiling for the high rise signage. We ensure that all our installation partners evidence the necessary accreditations and insurances and they are also audited regularly to make sure they continue to align with our own CSR commitments.A total of 38 rebrands were completed for this rollout programme.






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